Creamy white cheese – a popular spread and snack 2015

Posted at  19.32 - by Ahmad 0

Creamy white cheese – a popular spread and snack 2015 - Everybody loves creamy white cheese as it is light, melts in mouth and tastes delicious each time you put it into your mouth. What makes the white cheese so creamy is the quality of milk used in the preparation. For instance white cheese made from goat's milk will not be as creamy as cheese made from cow's milk. Cow's milk is very mild and any cheese product made from this milk is soft and creamy. However, the same can't be said for goat's milk or buffalo's milk. Cheese made from these two is definitely not as soft and creamy as made from cow's milk. Sheep's milk can also be used to make creamy white cheese but it is not very sweet.

Creamy white cheese – a popular spread and snack

Cow's milk is the best milk to prepare white creamy cheese. Next step is to watch out for the ageing process as if ageing is not closely monitored cheese can become very hard and crumble very easily. Moisture slowly evaporates from the cheese during the ageing process and the final product will become very hard if the process if left unchecked.

Creamy white cheese can be used as a spread on bread, biscuits and any other food stuff you want to spread it on. It is not used for cooking and has to be consumed within few days of purchasing it.
You can use it for several dishes such as an appetizer, as breakfast, in preparing candies, in desserts and in frostings. Also used in salads, while cooking vegetables and in sandwiches.  

Here are few types of creamy white cheese

Brie cheese: Originated in France, this type of creamy white cheese is very mild and easily spread on any bread or biscuit. Look for a reputed brand before buying this type of cheese as many local and sub standard variety of cheese is also available in the market. This cheese may be frozen when you purchase it and it is best if it is kept at the room temperature before consumption.

Brillat Savarin cheese : Once again originated in France, this creamy white cheese has a very buttery texture and rich in taste. People who have not developed a taste for this may find it a little sour and salty initially.

Brinza cheese:  Mostly available in the Eastern European region, Brinza cheese is made from sheep's milk and is a little salty in taste. This cheese is best consumed as a spread when it is young otherwise it becomes crumbly with age. Once it becomes hard you can use it in salads or melt it for pizza.

Ricotta salata cheese: This creamy white cheese is prepared from sheep's milk and is used in cooking. Some people use it for snacking also but chefs prefer it for cooking. You can also use it for salads or Italian food preparations such as pasta.

Source:, Thanks to S kirti

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